This is an ongoing collection of fleeting moments that have little micro-stories to tell, questions that beg to be asked, and the intention is to trigger your imagination to fill in the gaps and build the story around the image the way you want.

The traces we humans leave behind tell a story. Archaeologists dig through left-overs from the ancient past, piecing together the image of a family around a fire in the cave, picking the meat off the bones of some animal caught earlier that day. Mending tools and clothes, teaching their young, singing a melody. And perhaps leaving a rock painting behind for us to find thousands of years later.

The traces we leave behind these days are fleeting moments. Thinking of it as garbage, someone comes along some minutes or hours later to clean it up. And the story is gone. Who had that beer? What was the moment they shared while having tea? Did they have a good time, were there laughs? Or cries? A bill on a coffee table - what was the conversation? Was it two colleagues doing business, or a tinder date break-up?

Human Remains

